Saturday, October 1, 2011

Freedom of Information Request Regarding Town of Olive's Agenda 21- and Section 8 Housing-Driven Comprehensive Plan

Via E-mail and US Mail
Freedom of Information Law Request

Ms. Sylvia Rozzelle
Town Clerk
Town of Olive
PO Box 96
West Shokan, NY 12494
October 1, 2011

Dear Town Clerk Rozzelle and Supervisor Leifeld:

Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request records or portions thereof, or to inspect such records if copying costs exceed $50, pertaining to (or containing) the following:
-All correspondence, meeting minutes and invoices that mention the proposed Comprehensive Plan
-All correspondence, meeting minutes and invoices that mention the Rudikoff consulting firm, including, but not limited to, any invoices received from the Rudikoff firm immediately following the August 8 meeting.
-All correspondence concerning the legality of transfer of development rights mentioned in the draft comprehensive plan
-All correspondence and minutes of any meetings with with Rupco or any of its directors or officers
-Regarding potential paid work for the Town of Olive, all correspondence with Mr. ...  and minutes of any meetings with him
-All correspondence with Tongore Pines Housing Development Co. and minutes of any meetings with any of its directors or officers
-Minutes of any meetings held in the past five years and any correspondence concerning establishment of special revenue funds or any other encumbrance of specific or special purpose funds
If there are any fees for copying the records requested,  please supply the records without informing me if the fees are not in excess of $50. If they are above $50 please advise me when I can inspect the records in person.

As you know, the Freedom of Information Law requires that an agency respond to a request within five business days of receipt of a request. Therefore, I would appreciate a response as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you shortly. If for any reason any portion of my request is denied, please inform me of the reasons for the denial in writing and provide the name and address of the person or body to whom an appeal should be directed.
Mitchell Langbert, Ph.D.
PO Box 130
West Shokan, NY 12494          

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